New Patient Information


At Dr. Kelly Halverson's office, we understand the importance of providing our patients with top-quality care while also ensuring that they have access to convenient financial options. Our team works diligently alongside you to ensure that your insurance reimbursement for covered procedures is maximized.

We are pleased to inform you that we accept and file insurance claims with all PPO insurance companies despite being an out-of-network provider. Our highly skilled insurance coordinators are well-versed in dealing with a multitude of different insurance companies, each of which may change benefits, co-pays, and deductibles multiple times throughout the year.

It is imperative that our patients stay informed about any changes in their coverage and promptly notify our team if any necessary adjustments need to be made. Please remember that any services not covered by insurance will be the patient's responsibility.


For your convenience, we accept a variety of payment methods at our practice, including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. In addition to these options, we also offer CareCredit as a financing solution for our patients. With CareCredit, you can enjoy six to 12 months of interest-free payments to help make your dental care more affordable.

When scheduling your new patient appointment, please be prepared to provide payment upfront; however, rest assured that you will be reimbursed once your insurance pays for the services rendered. The total cost of your new patient appointment will vary depending on the reason for your visit and the specific services provided during your appointment. Our knowledgeable treatment coordinator will be able to provide you with an accurate estimate once your appointment is scheduled.


At our practice, we prioritize the importance of honoring scheduled appointments and respecting the time of both our patients and staff. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise which require you to cancel an appointment. In such instances, we kindly ask for a 48-hour notice and direct communication with our scheduling coordinator Monday through Thursday.

All appointments are considered confirmed upon booking, as your designated time slot is reserved exclusively for you. A last-minute cancellation or no-show not only disrupts the flow of our schedule but also prevents another patient from utilizing that coveted spot on the waitlist. To account for these missed opportunities, a $75 fee applies to any skipped hygiene visit, and a $100 fee pertains to doctor's appointments that are not honored. Your cooperation in adhering to this policy ensures efficient service delivery and enhances the overall patient care experience at our facility.



1001 Buckingham Rd #104,
Richardson, TX 75081

Office Hours

MON9:00 am - 2:30 pm

TUE - THU9:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI - SUNClosed